Reading 11: King of the Ball
Most tech stories follow a normal march towards glory. Plenty of people seek money or fame, but Linus Torvalds’ motivations remained pure when developing one of the most influential projects ever created. Despite personal hardships, an aggressive industry, and unexpected success, Linus led Linux to serve as a testament to how innovation, community, and timing can converge to create something monumental. When a personal project transitions into a worldwide phenomenon overnight, there are bound to be growing pains. My favorite, rather ridiculous growing pain is the online fan reactions Linus describes from 1996. When news of Linus and his wife expecting a child was leaked, Linus explains how vocal Linux community members expected some planning as to how he would handle his new obligations and Linux. Later that year, when the time came for Linus to graduate and get a job, he received similar reactions from fans concerned over the project’s future. The reactions of community members hold s...